You’ll set up the Cerebras environment, configure data processing, adapt the model architecture, and run training and evaluation scripts.

Porting models to Cerebras offers significant benefits such as enhanced performance due to specialized hardware, scalability for large models, and efficient handling of extensive datasets. The Cerebras Model Zoo repository offers PyTorch-based reference implementations of well-known neural networks, including BERT, GPT-2, GPT-3, T5, and UNet. These implementations are organized in a modular fashion, dividing data preprocessing, the core model, and other execution-related functions.

Before You Begin

Before starting, ensure you meet the following prerequisites and requirements:

  • Familiarity with PyTorch and neural network architectures.

  • Access to Cerebras systems and the necessary permissions.

  • Basic understanding of YAML for configuration files.

Pathways for Porting Models

We offer two tailored pathways depending on the complexity of the task and your level of comfort:

1. Straightforward approach: This pathway is ideal for those who wish to adapt existing models from the Cerebras Model Zoo. It involves making necessary changes to the model’s architecture or its data preprocessing components. This approach leverages the pre-built models and scripts available in the Model Zoo, minimizing the effort required to get started.

2. Moderately complex pathway: This pathway is suited for users who intend to create new models and develop custom data preprocessing scripts. It involves starting with the robust foundation provided by the Cerebras Model Zoo and building upon it. This approach offers more flexibility and allows for extensive customization to meet specific needs.

Customizing Models from the Cerebras Model Zoo

If you intend to use models from the Cerebras Model Zoo and need to modify the model architecture or data preprocessing, it is recommended to start with the resources available in the Cerebras Model Zoo. This starting point allows you to make the necessary customizations to fit your specific requirements. This section guides users on adapting these pre-built models, which might involve changes to the model architecture or adjustments in data preprocessing.

Example: Modifying a Dataloader

The data loader is a crucial element that feeds data into the model for training and evaluation. By modifying the dataloader, users can customize how the data is processed, presented, or augmented before being used by the model.

In this example, we focus on modifying the dataloader within the PyTorch implementation of FC_MNIST from the Cerebras Model Zoo. The goal is to create a synthetic dataloader that will help assess the network’s performance with varying input sizes and class counts.

Define the Data Loader Function

In, we’re going to define a function named get_random_dataloader:

import torch
import numpy as np

def get_random_dataloader(input_params):
    num_classes = input_params.get("num_classes")
    num_examples = input_params.get("num_examples")
    batch_size = input_params.get("batch_size")
    seed = input_params.get("seed", 1)
    image_size = input_params.get("image_size", [1,28,28])

    # Note: Cast the tensor to be of dtype `np.int32` when running on CS-X systems and to `np.int64` when running on cpus/gpus.
    image = np.random.random(size=[num_examples, ] + image_size).astype(np.float32)
    label = np.random.randint(low=0, high=num_classes, size=num_examples).astype(np.int32)

    dataset =


def get_train_dataloader(params):
    return get_random_dataloader(params["train_input"])

def get_eval_dataloader(params):
    return get_random_dataloader(params["eval_input"])

This function generates random images and labels, simulating a dataset for experiments. The key feature of this function is its configurability via the params.yaml file.

Configuring the Dataloader

In the params.yaml, we can specify several important parameters that will influence the behavior of our synthetic data loader:

  • num_examples: This parameter sets how many random images and labels the data loader should generate.

  • batch_size: This defines how many examples will be included in a single batch during the training or evaluation of the model.

  • seed: A seed for the random number generator ensures the reproducibility of our experiments by generating the same sequence of random images and labels for a given seed value.

  • image_size: This specifies the dimensions of the generated random images.

  • num_classes: This determines how many different classes the labels can take, which is crucial for classification tasks.

By adjusting these parameters in the params.yaml file, we can tailor the behavior of the get_random_dataloader function to meet our specific experimental needs, allowing for a flexible and dynamic approach to evaluating the network’s performance under different conditions.

Adapting the Model

In, change the fix number of classes to a parameter in the params.yaml file:

class MNIST(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, model_params):
        self.loss_fn = nn.NLLLoss()
        self.fc_layers = []
        input_size = model_params.get("input_size",784)
        num_classes = model_params.get("num_classes",10)
        self.last_layer = nn.Linear(input_size, num_classes)

In configs/params.yaml, add the additional fields used in the dataloader and model definition.

Developing New Models and Preprocessing Scripts

Utilizing the Cerebras Run Function

If you aim to create new models and data preprocessing scripts, we recommend beginning with the Cerebras Model Zoo’s shared foundation, specifically the run function. This approach allows you to utilize an established structure, streamlining the development process for your custom models and preprocessing routines.

All PyTorch models in the Cerebras Model Zoo share a standard framework that facilitates running them on the Cerebras Systems (CS) platform or other hardware types like CPUs/GPUs. This framework handles the modifications required to compile and execute a model on a Cerebras cluster. It offers a unified training and evaluation interface, allowing users to integrate their models and data preprocessing scripts seamlessly. With this setup, users don’t need to make detailed code adjustments for compatibility with Cerebras systems.

Porting a PyTorch Dense Neural Network for MNIST

To utilize the run function effectively, ensure that the Cerebras Model Zoo repository, compatible with your target Cerebras cluster’s release, is installed. You can import the run function with the following code snippet:

from cerebras.modelzoo.common.run_utils import run

Code related with run function lives inside the Cerebras Model Zoo and can be found in the common folder.

The run function simplifies and organizes various aspects of your model’s workflow, including its implementation, data loading processes, hyperparameter settings, and overall execution. To effectively use the run function, you should have:

  1. A params YAML file, which specifies the optimizers and the runtime configuration.

  2. An implementation that encompasses:

    • The definition of your model.

    • Dataloaders that are responsible for both training and evaluation.

Define Model

To define the model architecture, the run function requires a callable class or function that takes as input a dictionary of params and returns a torch.nn.Module whose forward implementation returns a loss tensor.

For example, let’s implement FC_MNIST parametrized by the depth and the hidden size of the network. Let’s assume that the input size is 784 and the last output dimension is 10. We use ReLU as non linearity, and a negative log likelihood loss.


import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

class MNISTModel(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, model_params):
        self.fc_layers = []
        input_size = 784

        # Depth is len(hidden_sizes)
        model_params["hidden_sizes"] = [
        ] * model_params["depth"]

        for hidden_size in model_params["hidden_sizes"]:
            fc_layer = nn.Linear(input_size, hidden_size)
            input_size = hidden_size
        self.fc_layers = nn.ModuleList(self.fc_layers)
        self.last_layer = nn.Linear(input_size, 10)

        self.nonlin = nn.ReLU()

        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(model_params["dropout"])

        self.loss_fn = nn.NLLLoss()

    def forward(self, batch):
        inputs, targets = batch

        x = torch.flatten(inputs, 1)
        for fc_layer in self.fc_layers:
            x = fc_layer(x)
            x = self.nonlin(x)
            x = self.dropout(x)

        pred_logits = self.last_layer(x)

        outputs = F.log_softmax(pred_logits, dim=1)

        loss = self.loss_fn(outputs, targets)

        return loss

  • The input to a torch.nn.Module object defined in the run function includes both the inputs and the labels to compute the loss. It is up to the model to extract the inputs and labels from the batch before using them.

  • The output of the model is expected to be the loss of that forward pass.

Define Dataloaders

To define the data loaders, the run function requires a callable (either class or function) that takes as input a dictionary of params, and returns a When running training, the train_data_fn must be provided. When running evaluation, the eval_data_fn must be provided.

For example, to implement FC_MNIST, we create two different functions for training and evaluation. We use torchvision.datasets functionality to download MNIST dataset. Each of these functions returns a


import torch
from torchvision import datasets, transforms

def get_train_dataloader(params):
    input_params = params["train_input"]

    batch_size = input_params.get("batch_size")
    dtype = torch.float16 if input_params["to_float16"] else torch.float32
    shuffle = input_params["shuffle"]

    train_dataset = datasets.MNIST(
                transforms.Normalize((0.1307,), (0.3081,)),
                    lambda x: torch.as_tensor(x, dtype=dtype)
            lambda x: torch.as_tensor(x, dtype=torch.int32)

    train_loader =
        num_workers=input_params.get("num_workers", 0),
    return train_loader

def get_eval_dataloader(params):
    input_params = params["eval_input"]

    batch_size = input_params.get("batch_size")
    dtype = torch.float16 if input_params["to_float16"] else torch.float32

    eval_dataset = datasets.MNIST(
                transforms.Normalize((0.1307,), (0.3081,)),
                    lambda x: torch.as_tensor(x, dtype=dtype)
            lambda x: torch.as_tensor(x, dtype=torch.int32)

    eval_loader =
        num_workers=input_params.get("num_workers", 0),
    return eval_loader

Set Up the run Function

The run function must be imported from Always remember to append the parent directory of the Cerebras Model Zoo repository in your local setup.

All the input parameters of run function are callables that take a dictionary as input, called params. params is a dictionary containing all of the model and data parameters specified by the params YAML file of the model.

model_fnCallable[[dict], torch.nn.Module]Required. A callable that takes in a dictionary of parameters. Returns a torch.nn.Module.
train_data_fnCallable[[dict],]Required during training run.
eval_data_fnCallable[[dict],]Required during evaluation run.
default_params_fnCallable[[dict], Optional[dict]]Optional. A callable that takes in a dictionary of parameters. Sets default parameters.

For the FC_MNIST example, with all of the elements in place, now we import the run function from modelzoo.common.run_utils. We append the parent directory of Cerebras Model Zoo.


import os
import sys

#Append path to parent directory of Cerebras ModelZoo Repository
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."))
from modelzoo.common.run_utils import run

from data import (
from model import MNISTModel

def main():
    run(MNISTModel, get_train_dataloader, get_eval_dataloader)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Manage Common Params

To avoid params replication between multiple similar experiments, the run function has an optional input parameter called default_params_fn. This parameter modifies the dictionary of the params YAML file, adding default values of unspecified params.

Setting up a default_params_fn could be beneficial if the user is planning multiple experiments in which only a small subset of the params YAML file changes. The default_params_fn sets up the values shared in all of the experiments. The user can create different configuration YAML files to only address the changes between experiments.

The default_params_fn should be a callable that takes in the params dictionary and returns a new dictionary. If the default_params_fn is omitted, the params dictionary will be used as is.

Create Params YAML File

At runtime, the run function requires a separate params YAML. This file is specified during execution with the flag --params in the command line.

For example, this is the params.yaml file for the FC_MNIST implementation. You can see both the new YAML specification (since release 2.3.0) and the legacy YAML specification.

Since release 2.3.0, the legacy YAML specification is deprecated and its use is no longer recommended.

      name: "fc_mnist"
      mixed_precision: True
      depth: 10
      hidden_size: 50
      dropout: 0.0
      activation_fn: "relu"
        lr: 0.1  # Unused since we have a scheduler
        momentum: 0.9
        learning_rate: 0.001
      loss_scaling_factor: 1.0
      max_steps: 10000
      log_steps: 50
      steps: 2000
    seed: 1
    data_dir: "./data/mnist/train"
    batch_size: 128
    drop_last_batch: True
    shuffle: True
    to_float16: True
  val_dataloader: &id001
    data_dir: "./data/mnist/val"
    batch_size: 128
    drop_last_batch: True
    to_float16: True
  val_dataloader: *id001
  val_dataloaders: *id001

Execute Script with Run Function

All models in Cerebras Model Zoo use the run function inside the script Therefore, once you have ported your model to use the run function, you can follow the steps in Launch your job section to launch your training or evaluation job.

Logging and Evaluation Metrics

By default, the run function logs training information to the console and to TensorBoard, as explained in Measure throughput of your model. You can also define your your own scalar and tensor summaries.

The Cerebras Model Zoo git repository uses a base class to compute evaluation metrics called CBMetric. Metrics already defined in the Model Zoo git repository can be imported as:

from cerebras.pytorch.metrics import (

As an example, the GPT2 implementation in PyTorch uses some of these metrics.

How to use evaluation metrics:

  1. Registration: All metrics must be registered with the corresponding torch.nn.Module class. This is automatically done when the CBMetric object is constructed. That is, to register a metric to a torch.nn.Module class, construct the metric object in the torch.nn.Module class’ constructor.

  2. Update: The metrics are stateful. This means that every call to the metric object with the appropriate arguments automatically the latest metric value and save it in the metric’s internal state.

  3. Logging: At the very end of the run, the final metrics values will be computed and then logged both to the console and to the TensorBoard SummaryWriter.


Porting PyTorch models to Cerebras systems offers significant advantages in terms of performance, scalability, and efficiency. By leveraging the specialized hardware and extensive resources provided by Cerebras, you can optimize your neural network models for large-scale data processing and complex computations.

This guide has outlined the essential steps for successfully porting and adapting PyTorch models to run on Cerebras systems, including:

  • Setting Up the Cerebras Environment: Ensuring all necessary installations and configurations are in place.

  • Configuring Data Processing: Preparing and customizing datasets for pre-training and fine-tuning.

  • Adapting Model Architecture: Modifying existing models or creating new ones to be compatible with Cerebras hardware.

  • Running Training and Evaluation Scripts: Utilizing the run function and managing parameters for efficient experimentation.

By following the pathways and guidelines provided, whether you choose to adapt existing models or develop new ones, you can take full advantage of the capabilities offered by Cerebras systems. Starting with the robust foundation provided by the Cerebras Model Zoo, you can streamline the development process and achieve superior results.